Employee Experience

How to Help Your Employees Cope With the Stress of a Company Relocation

employees laughing in a conference room

Relocating your company is a significant event that can be both exciting and overwhelming for employees. From the thrill of an employee starting their position in a new city to the hurdle of struggling to find new housing — relocation can bring about unforeseen events and a significant amount of stress.

HR teams play a vital role in acknowledging the impact of moving stress and working to minimize as much frustration as possible. After all, stress can take a toll on the emotional and physical health of your employee, often manifesting in various ways like anxiety, depression, and even cardiovascular disease.

To mitigate these negative effects and promote a positive employee relocation experience, we will cover practical job relocation tips and strategies that HR teams can implement within their companies to assist employees in coping with the stress of a group relocation. By prioritizing the mental and physical well-being of their workforce during this significant life event, organizations can foster a healthier and more productive work environment.

1. Give Employees Notice

When it comes to notifying employees about an impending relocation, timeliness is key. It is necessary to inform your employees about the relocation as soon as possible, as no one wants to be faced with a major life decision on short notice. Imagine the stress and pressure an employee might experience if they find out their headquarters is relocating in just a few weeks.

Relocation affects not only the employee but also their spouse and family. Picture changing schools, and leaving behind treasured belongings, as well as close family and friends. A flexible time frame allows employees to make their children part of the process by setting up playdates, sorting or donating their toys, and visiting their favorite places one last time before the big move.

We recommend aiming for a notice period of at least six months to a year to allow your employees the opportunity to adequately prepare and plan for the significant changes ahead. This extended time frame provides employees with ample opportunity to make necessary arrangements, such as finding suitable housing, researching schools for their children, and addressing any logistical or legal requirements.

2. Partner With a Relocation Service

The expenses associated with hiring professional movers to transport belongings across state lines can add up quickly and become a burden for employees. Plus, relocating employees to a new location can be a logistical nightmare, which is why hiring a relocation management company can work to your advantage. Relocation companies can connect you with real estate agents, moving companies, temporary housing, and so much more. This allows you to focus on other HR initiatives and makes the process of relocating employees much smoother.

3. Equip Managers

During a relocation, employees often turn to their managers for guidance and support as they navigate through the challenges of this significant change. To ensure that managers can effectively assist their team members, your HR team will need to equip them with the necessary information and tools to address any questions or concerns that may arise.

To empower managers in this role, consider organizing training sessions where your HR team can provide insights into foreseeable issues and practical strategies for effectively managing employee concerns. By investing in managerial support, you create a strong support network within the organization, allowing managers to address employee needs head-on and contribute to a smoother and more successful transition for all.

4. Offer a Relocation Reimbursement or Bonus

A company relocation can significantly contribute to financial concerns, as over 70% of Americans rank finances as the number one stressor in life. For this reason, it’s worth considering offering a relocation reimbursement or a lump sum bonus as part of your relocation package. By providing a reimbursement or bonus, you alleviate some of the financial strain on your employees.

As part of a relocation package, you can also include benefits , assistance in identifying and choosing schools for employees’ children, and guidance in navigating the unfamiliar territory of a new city. As part of the relocation process, employees are cared for and their situation is approached holistically, ensuring comprehensive support and consideration.

5. Implement a Wellness Program

Many employers have put a renewed focus on their wellness programs to better support their employees. HR leaders could tailor their existing wellness program to include benefits, such as massage or gym membership reimbursements to help employees cope with moving stress. These additions enable employees to prioritize self-care without the worry of additional financial strain. Plus, they provide much-needed relaxation for the employee and demonstrate a genuine commitment to supporting your employees’ overall health.

6. Revise HR Policies

HR managers can support employees through a company relocation by revising HR policies like remote work, productivity levels, attendance, and punctuality. Employees may need more time to get settled into their new environment and may not be as productive in the weeks following a major company move. It is important to be flexible and understanding in such situations. By accommodating individual circumstances and providing flexibility in timelines, you demonstrate a supportive approach that prioritizes the well-being and unique needs of your employees.

7. Offer Employee Perks

Companies can demonstrate their appreciation for employees by providing various perks. These can encompass everything from gym memberships to catered meals. It’s essential to maintain the same benefits post-corporate relocation and even consider introducing additional ones to motivate employees to embrace the move. Offering an extra personal day or two can give employees the time they need to settle in and unpack before fully diving into work responsibilities. This ensures they can establish a sense of stability in their new home and familiarize themselves with the area at a comfortable pace.

8. Make Cost of Living Adjustments

When relocating employees, it’s vital to take into account the current salaries of your employees. Making the cost of living adjustments is not just a gesture of goodwill but a strategic move to ensure that your team continues to earn a livable wage. This not only helps in retaining talent but also ensures that employees can maintain their standard of living in the new location, fostering a sense of security and loyalty towards the company.

Let CapRelo Lend a Hand

Don’t let moving stress overwhelm your employees. Partnering with a reliable relocation services company can take care of all the logistics involved, from arranging flights to securing living accommodations and shipping personal belongings. At CapRelo, we offer a comprehensive range of services, catering to domestic, international, and intra-country relocations.

Our team will collaborate with your HR teams, allowing you to focus on your core tasks. Contact us today to explore how our expertise can support you in employee relocation.