Embracing Environmental Sustainability in Global Relocations

Why Sustainability Matters in Global Relocations
If you ever questioned the impact that global mobility has on the environment we live in, you need only look at the United Nation’s Sustainability Development Goals, or SDGs.
Did you know that five of the UN’s 17 goals for a healthier planet by 2030 are directly impacted by global mobility? These goals include reducing transportation emissions, improving air quality, cutting energy use, and eliminating landfill waste from packing materials and office supplies. As a result, global relocations present a major opportunity to implement greener practices.
As CapRelo recently reported, we expect to see a rise in global mobility this year thanks to increased cross-border mobility and stronger mobility budgets. And, Worldwide ERC see continued market expansion through the decade. “Global talent mobility, a key driver of economic growth responsible for relocating hundreds of thousands of individuals annually, is expected to hit a market value of $28 billion by 2030,” it says. “As the industry continues in this direction, it calls into question how the talent mobility industry will reduce its carbon footprint and make strides toward a more sustainable future.”
Balancing that growth in an environmentally responsible way may perhaps be the biggest challenge for HR mobility leaders in coming years.
Choose an Environmentally Conscious Relocation Partner
Prioritizing sustainability becomes much more achievable when your global mobility program partners are sustainability stewards themselves. This goes beyond just flowery claims on a website, it’s about how they work with you and your transferees every day. To help kickstart sustainability in your relocations, consider using these questions to vet potential relocation management partners.
Does your RMC champion environmental values and policies?
It might seem like a no-brainer, but start by diving into their mission and core values. As part of the RFP process, ask prospective companies for their employee handbook. Does it highlight their Environmental Values Statement and Policy? Do the documents show a commitment to educating employees and upholding environmental best practices?
Does the organization embrace green office practices?
This is where values and mission statements are translated into real, everyday actions. As you evaluate RMC vendors, be sure to ask the tough questions: How do they reduce paper usage and promote earth-friendly practices? Additionally, what investments are they making in energy-efficient upgrades, such as new windows, doors, and compact fluorescent lights (CFL), to reduce power consumption and lower their carbon footprint?
Does the RMC contract with environmentally responsible vendors?
Environmental responsibility starts at the RMC’s corporate office but has the greatest impact when applied across its supply chain. Ensure your RMC rigorously evaluates suppliers for sustainability. Ideally, your RMC should maintain industry-specific supplier agreements that enforce stringent sustainability goals. That helps ensure that the supply chain it (and you) trust to move your employees is as committed to a greener future as you are.
What is the RMC doing to help offset carbon footprint?
Look for extra ways your relocation management consultant is supporting a healthier planet. At CapRelo, for example, we give clients the option to offset the carbon footprint of their moves through our partnership with ecolegIT. This program not only offsets CO2 emissions from individual moves but also advocates for structural changes in the moving and global mobility industry to promote sustainability.
JK Land Holdings advanced environmental preservation by placing 20,000 acres into conservation easement.
Partnering with Home Sweet Home, we help relocating employees downsize before moving, cutting shipping costs and reducing waste. Through reuse and recycling, CapRelo transferees have donated 1.3 million pounds in two years!
CapRelo: 25 Years of Environmental Sustainability
A focus on a healthier earth has been a part of CapRelo’s DNA for a quarter century. Since 2000, our Sustainability Task Force has been leading our eco-conscious initiatives, ensuring we do our part in preserving the planet for future generations. In fact, we’ve earned the prestigious Bronze EcoVadis Sustainability Rating due to our strong focus on the environment, labor and human rights, ethics, and sustainable procurement.
Are you ready to take your mobility program’s environmental sustainability to the next level? If so, partner with a global relocation management firm that not only prioritizes sustainability but also embodies it in every aspect of relocations. Contact us today to learn more.